Selling Badge Toppers At ALA 20!

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be selling my nifty Badge Toppers in Artist Alley at Anime Los Angeles 20!!!

Badge Toppers ALA Anime Los Angeles

Come find me at Booth [A20] where I will have a ton of Badge Toppers for sale! I’ve designed and made over 2,000 Badge Toppers, which cling to the edge of convention badges with fun little labels. Mix-and-match to bling up your badge!

I’ll also be advertising my returning prop commissions! I’ll be accepting commissions for 2025 once I’m back from ALA and have a chance to get things set back up 🙂

This will be my first time EVER selling at a con, I can’t wait to see it through and plan for future events~

If you’re going to be at ALA this week, walk past the Ribbon Station and head towards Autographs, you’ll find my booth on an aisle end!

Hope to see you there!
